Seamless Customer Experience powered by Kubernetes @Edge at Walmart Stores

いずれ将来的に全てのアプリケーションはCloudnativeになりますが、ホスティング環境もマルチテナントで、どこのPublic CloudかPrivate Cloudか、選択肢の話です。


Keynote: Seamless Customer Experience at Walmart Stores Powered by Kubernetes@Edge - Maneesh Vittolia, Principal Architect & Sriram Komma, Principal Product Owner, Walmart

At Walmart, while major application software can and does operate in the cloud, stores or any client edge compute cannot avoid the intermittent network events that can create less than ideal availability and performance of the software during those times. This can lead to poor customer experience and/or failed transactions during checkout. Because of Walmart's scale of serving around 265 million customer every week, the comnbined effect on customer experience as well as the loss of revenue is pretty huge. To overcome the issue between Stores and cloud, Walmart is building and rolling out the next generation of Point of Sale (POS) systems on highly resource constraint edge computing environment using modern service mesh based technologies designed to allow maximum business flexibility, extreme performance and rapid deployment and powered by Kubernetes.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2019 Keynote

Presentation PDF

Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #26 / Recap: Kubecon Keynote by Walmart


※ 2021年12月更新