DPE(Developer Productivity Engineering)が新しいソフトウェア開発工学の方法論で、ビルド・テストとCIなどの自動化ツールにフォーカスしています。その実践をDPEチームにより担当されます。
DPEとSREの違いは、SDLCフェーズの違いであって、DEV(development & test)開発生産性とOPS(deployment & maintenance)運用信頼性の違いだと思われます。
なお、DXE(Developer Experience Engineer)はDPEを実現するためのエンジニアロールの一つと自分が解釈しています。
ちなみに、GoogleのEngineering Productivity部門にDPEやDXEとのロールがなく、通常のSoftware Engineer (SWE)とTest Engineer (TE)だけあります。
DPE - Developer Productivity Engineering
1 From QA to Engineering Productivity
Google Testing Blog Tuesday, March 22, 2016
In summary, the work done by the SETs naturally progressed from supporting only product testing efforts to include supporting product development efforts as well. Their role now encompassed a much broader Engineering Productivity agenda.
2 The Effect of Work Environments on Productivity and Satisfaction of Software Engineers
Brittany Johnson, Thomas Zimmermann, Senior Member, IEEE, and Christian Bird, Member, IEEE
3 Developer Productivity Engineering: Introduction and Key Concepts
gradle.com By Dennis Welter
September 9, 2019
Hans Dockter, CEO & Founder of Gradle, talks about the emerging practice of developer productivity engineering, a discipline of using data to improve essential development processes from build/test to CI/CD.Topics covered in this webinar are:
Quantify the costs of a low productivity environment with wasted time waiting for builds, tests, and CI/CD pipelines
Communicate the importance of fast feedback cycles and catching errors earlier, including incorrect signals like flaky tests
Discuss acceleration technologies for speeding up feedback cycles
Make the practice of developer productivity engineering a respected discipline
Use data to understand and improve essential development processesビルド、テスト、CI/CDパイプラインの待ち時間にかかる無駄な時間など、生産性の低い環境におけるコストを定量化する
4 Developer Productivity Engineering Overview
Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) is a software development practice used by leading software development organizations to maximize developer productivity and happiness.
DPE(Developer Productivity Engineering)は、開発者の生産性と幸福度を最大化するために、大手ソフトウェア開発企業が採用しているソフトウェア開発手法です。
As its name implies, DPE takes an engineering approach to improving developer productivity. As such, it relies on automation, actionable data, and acceleration technologies to deliver measurable outcomes like faster feedback cycles and reduced mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR) for build and test failures. As a result, DPE has quickly become a proven practice that delivers a hard ROI with little resistance to product acceptance and usage. その名が示すように、DPEは開発者の生産性を向上させるためにエンジニアリング的なアプローチを取ります。そのため、自動化、実用的なデータ、高速化技術に依存し、フィードバックサイクルの高速化、ビルドやテストの失敗に対する平均解決時間(MTTR)の短縮など、測定可能な結果を実現します。その結果、DPEは、製品の受け入れや使用に対する抵抗が少なく、確実なROIを実現する実証済みの手法として急速に普及しました。Organizations successfully apply the practice of DPE to achieve their strategic business objectives such as reducing time to market, increasing product and service quality, minimizing operational costs, and recruiting and retaining talent by investing in developer happiness and providing a highly satisfying developer experience. DPE accomplishes this with processes and tools that gracefully scale to accommodate ever-growing codebases.
gradle.com 2019/09
This contrasts with a Developer Productivity Management (DPM) approach that views developer productivity as a people challenge that can be addressed by applying management best practices and developer activity-based metrics.
Developer Productivity Engineering is of similar importance when it comes to the production of software with similar stakes in achieving a company's economic potential and global competitive impact.
It is quickly becoming a critical practice within software engineering organizations that strive for industry leadership across diverse and highly dynamic marketplaces.
However, process improvement initiatives will fail without bottom-up, grass-roots user acceptance.
The intuitive case for DPE is not based on the impact to management and financial objectives like development costs, time-to-market, and quality.
Instead, it is based on a visceral understanding of the pains experienced every day by developers from problems that DPE addresses -- slow builds and inefficient troubleshooting, to name two -- and the impact they have on the developer experience and productivity.
The intuitive case for DPE starts with and is built upon the intuitive premise that software productivity depends heavily on toolchain effectiveness.
This is because toolchain effectiveness can be defined as the ability to facilitate developer creative flow, collaboration, and team productivity.
It concludes that software productivity suffers without DPE.
The developer toolchain in the enterprise is an ever-changing and complex piece of machinery with ever-changing and complex inputs.
Sub-optimal feedback cycle times and unreliable feedback is the norm.
This is commonly the case since most enterprises do not performance manage or quality control their toolchain by leveraging modern acceleration or troubleshooting technologies.
In a recent study, over 90% of survey respondents indicated that improving time spent waiting on build and test feedback was a major challenge.
The job of DPE is to improve developer productivity across its entire lifecycle and to close the significant and growing gap between actual and potential software development team productivity.
Too often CI/CD teams are not responsible for developer productivity and make decisions that optimize for other metrics, such as auditability or vulnerability checking without taking into account the adverse effects to developer productivity. The priorities and success criteria for a DPE team are primarily based on data that comes from a fully instrumented toolchain.
For such a team to be successful it needs a culture that values and is committed to the continuous improvement of developer productivity.
A developer's happiness depends on their productivity.
Most developers want to work in an environment that enables them to work at their full potential.
Organizations that cannot provide such an environment are seeing a drain on their talent leading to project slowdowns or outright abandonment.
Developer Productivity Engineering applies broadly across the software development process landscape.
It's impact starts with the coding process and extends to CI/CD to the point where DevOps distributes and scales production applications.
To be clear, Developer Productivity Engineering is not about treating developers like factory workers but instead like creative craftspeople.
It is about the developer experience, unlocking creative flow, restoring the joy of development, and facilitating better collaboration with the business.
Rather than this largely ad hoc approach, the most successful DPE-enabled businesses formalize those investments by establishing a dedicated team.
Here are three reasons why it makes sense for your company to launch a DPE initiative now.
- DPE requires focus
- DPE delivers a compelling ROI
- DPE provides competitive advantage
- DPEには集中力が必要
- DPEは魅力的なROIを提供する
- DPEは競争優位性をもたらす
Developer Productivity Management (DPM) focuses on the people, and answers questions like,
"How can we get more output out of individual developers and teams by defining and tracking the right metrics?"
Such metrics typically help to quantify output, evaluate performance and competencies, build and manage teams, and optimize collaboration and time management.
Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) focuses on the process and technology, and answers questions like,
"How can we make feedback cycles faster using acceleration technologies to speed up builds and tests?"
"How can we make troubleshooting easier, faster, and more efficient using data analytics?"
In analogous terms, suppose you're the owner of an auto racing team.
To win, you need both the best drivers and the fastest cars.
In the software engineering world, the drivers are your developers, while the cars are your highly performant processes and technology toolchain.
DPM and DPE are complementary, not competing approaches to improving developer productivity.
A Developer Productivity Engineering solution framework that aligns pain points, benefits and key solution technologies
6 How We Improved Developer Productivity for Our DevOps Teams
August 27, 2020
Published by Maria Jernström and Jason Palmer
7 Is Developer Productivity Engineering the Next Big Thing in Software?
gradle.com By Wayne Caccamo
January 28, 2021
1970s: JIT Manufacturing
1980s: Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
1990s: Change Management
2000s: Lean Six Sigma
2010s: Agile and DevOps
2020+: Developer Productivity Engineering
8 Engineering Productivity: How To Measure And Improve It
Michiel Mulders
March 2, 2021
How Is Engineering Productivity Measured?
1. Cycle Time
2. Deployment Frequency
3. Number of Bugs
4. Review to Merge Time (RTMT)

9 アジャイル・DevOpsからDeveloper Productivityへ ~食べログのDeveloper Productivityチームが目指す姿~
食べログのDeveloper Productivityチームのミッションは「 開発サイクルのフィードバックを素早く、リッチにすることで最高の開発・テスト体験を実現する 」です。
「最高の開発体験」に対しては「 開発者の影響分析・デバッグにかかる労力を最小化する 」を中・長期目標とし、開発環境や開発ツールなどをモダン化していく計画です。
また、「最高のテスト体験」に対しては、「 コード修正後すぐにテストからフィードバックを得られるようにテスト体験を向上する 」を中・長期目標として、テスト自動実行基盤やテストデータ基盤などの構築を行っていきます。
Engineering Productivity : Delivering frictionless engineering and excellent products
What is Engineering Productivity?
We are a data-driven engineering discipline focused on optimizing the engineering process so that Google can deliver amazing experiences to our users, faster.
エンジニアリング プロダクティビティとは?
Google がユーザーに素晴らしい体験をより早く提供できるよう、エンジニアリング プロセスの最適化に注力するデータ主導型のエンジニアリング部門です。
Core Principles
-System analysis
-Tools and infrastructure
-Focus on the user
How does EngProd (Engineering Productivity ) make development easier at Google?
Contrast this to working on a large system at Google that supports billions of users and millions of queries per second. Several thousand engineers make thousands of changes per day and asynchronously release various parts of the system. It is likely impossible for a single engineer to know every aspect of the system.
Let's re-examine the development process in this situation. Design and coding, of course, come first. Where the rubber really meets the road is in the testing and debugging stage, where you see if your change works as expected. Reasoning about the correctness of your change is now much more difficult.
Some questions come up, including: How do you make sure your change works? How do you make sure your change didn't break an obscure use case for a user in a different geography? How do you prepare your change such that the next 100 engineers that modify the system don't break the feature you just added?
These are complex problems that require tooling and infrastructure to help engineers reason about the correctness of their change. EngProd's purpose is to make engineering easier and better, so we spend a lot of time on the hardest part of the process: building tools and infrastructure to make testing and debugging simpler.
11 2022年3月~4月に読んだDeveloper Productivity・Developer Experience・Platform Engineering関連のリソース
12 Developers Summit 2022 Summer 「アジャイル・DevOps時代のプロダクトとエンジニア組織を支える、Developer Productivityへの道」
13 "Unblocking Workflows: The Guide to Developer Productivity in 2022" (Mattermost)
Fragmented Tools issue
Solution: Build Connections with More Robust Integrations
Look to ChatOps for Inspiration
Leverage Open Source to Build Bespoke IntegrationsTeam Distribution Collaboration Issues
Solution: Improve Communication Culture and Tools to Optimize Collaboration
Work on Improving Async Collaboration Practices
Look for Signal Boosters, Not Noise-MakersFinding and Retaining Developer Talent
Solution: Invest in Creating a Developer-Friendly Environment
Lean into the Technologies That Developers Want to Work With
Become a Part of the Open Source CommunityManual Task Overload
Solution: Automate Strategically
Start Small and Work Your Way Up
Invest in Technologies That Enable AutomationFragile Workflows
Solution: Create More Robust Workflows
Build Better Integrations
Document and Refine Repeated Processes
Invest in Fixing Broken Systems
DXE - Developer Experience Engineer
1 Maximize Developer Productivity and Engagement with the Developer Experience Engineer
Engineering teams need Developer Experience Engineers (DXE) to ensure they have the right tools, processes, and environment to maximize productivity and create the greatest business value possible. The size of the DXE team can range from 1 - 10 or more people, depending on the size of the engineering organization, and they work to solve, automate, and eliminate the daily toil developers encounter. A DXE is always thinking about the business impact, the costs, where the most time is spent, the biggest drag on delivery, and what it will take to solve a tooling or process problem. They are focused on achieving maximum efficiency so that the engineering team is free to focus on achieving the goals of the business.エンジニアリングチームは、生産性を最大化し、可能な限り最大のビジネス価値を生み出すための適切なツール、プロセス、環境を確保するために、デベロッパーエクスペリエンスエンジニア (DXE) を必要としています。DXEチームの規模は、エンジニアリング組織の規模に応じて1~10人以上になり、開発者が日々遭遇する労力を解決し、自動化し、排除するために働きます。
2 The experience of working in Developer Experience
The innovative idea behind the DevEx concept is that in this case the focus is not only development tools, but also development processes. This means that yes, creating tools and scripts that simplify usual and repetitive tasks will be part of your daily life inside a DevEx team, but also things like identifying bottlenecks in CI processes that are making your pipelines slower or looking for inefficiencies in compilations or in build scripts.
Reducing waiting times and cognitive load is essential in order to let developers focus on what is important and avoid switching from task to task, losing the focus on what they are doing.DevExのコンセプトの背後にある革新的なアイデアは、この場合、開発ツールだけでなく、開発プロセスにも焦点を当てるということである。つまり、通常の反復作業を簡略化するツールやスクリプトを作成することは、DevExチーム内の日常生活の一部となりますが、パイプラインを遅くしているCIプロセスのボトルネックを特定したり、コンパイルやビルドスクリプトの非効率性を探したりといったことも含まれます。
3 Why Developer Experience Engineers (DXE) are the key to accelerating your business -- CircleCI
Engineering teams need a leader -- a developer experience engineer (DXE) -- who ensures developers have the right tools, processes, and environment to maximize productivity and create the greatest business value possible. The DXE is the foundation for engineering team success. They make it easy for developer teams to focus on their highest purpose and generate the highest value by solving, automating, and eliminating the daily toil developers encounter.
They are a major unlocking force that boosts teams to new heights.
エンジニアリングチームには、開発者が適切なツール、プロセス、環境を利用して生産性を最大化し、最大のビジネス価値を創造できるようにするリーダー、デベロッパーエクスペリエンスエンジニア (DXE) が必要です。DXE は、エンジニアリングチームを成功に導くための基盤です。DXE は、開発者が日々遭遇する労力を解決し、自動化し、排除することで、開発者チームが最高の目的に集中し、最高の価値を生み出せるようにします。
While in many ways we're entering the golden age for the developer, a large number of organizations haven't made the shift to create the right environment to help developers thrive. Developers remain plagued by toil, disengagement, and inability to do what they do best: build.
Yet teams that focus on creating the best possible environment for developers to succeed see meaningful results on their bottom line. A recent report from McKinsey showed that businesses that prioritize developer velocity have four to five times the revenue growth of their counterparts.
A DX owner or function isn't a new idea. Twitter formed an "engineering effectiveness" organization in 2014, and Google has a massive "engineering productivity" team.
In many companies, however, the role emerges organically and it's growing as a trend as the software engineering landscape changes. As of May 2021 we found 117,151 results for "developer experience" in the United States alone.
DXEs implement a common set of principles, maintain the right tools, and create cohesive standards that clear the path to developer success. Without them, too many languages, frameworks, engineering styles, and processes can add drag.
A drag on developers is a drag on the business. Beyond the expense of wasted developer minutes, low performance can affect overall innovation, execution quality and timeliness, and the customer experience. In fact, it all adds on to the bottom line.
Developers are experts in their domain -- they build. They are not necessarily experts in the field of process optimization. Sensibly, they'll optimize for their own speed (such as choosing their favorite language to write in), but sometimes at the detriment to the velocity of the team as a whole. As the number of developers in an organization grows, complexity grows tenfold. The role of the DXE becomes ever more important to create efficiencies and shared practices between ambitious and energized teams.
開発者は、その分野の専門家です - 彼らは構築します。彼らは必ずしもプロセス最適化の分野の専門家ではありません。感覚的には、彼らは自分のスピードのために最適化しますが(好きな言語を選んで書くなど)、時にはチーム全体のスピードが損なわれることもあります。組織内の開発者の数が増えれば増えるほど、複雑さは10倍になります。野心的で活気のあるチーム間で効率化とプラクティスの共有を実現するために、DXEの役割はこれまで以上に重要になります。
Finally, a DXE helps identify and eliminate waste, i.e., the toil involved in maintaining existing software systems. Without DXE expertise, engineers spend time on maintenance instead of building. This is less efficient than having a person with centralized authority do maintenance, allowing developers to write code. Software developer teams can thus spend more time focused on doing what they love with the right processes in place.
CircleCI recommends that Developer Experience Managers have these qualifications:
Experience in leading software development teams
A deep understanding of modern development practices and tools
Ability to set team goals that align with business goals
Is a process expert who can organize and disseminate information
Decision-making ability
4 Developer Velocity: How software excellence fuels business performance