IBM(NYSE:IBM)は、開発者がエンタープライズでのブロックチェーン利用を速やかに始めることができるように、約44,000行のコードをLinux Foundationのオープン・ソース「Hyperledgerプロジェクト」に提供しました。このコードによって、あらゆる価値の交換に利用できるセキュアな分散型レジャーを容易に構築できるようになります。
A blockchain has two main concepts. A business network, in which members exchange items of value through a ledger, which each member possesses and whose content is always in sync with the others.
A business network
- A decentralized peer-to-peer architecture with nodes consisting of market participants (such as banks and securities firms).
- Protocol peers validate and commit transactions in order to reach consensus.
Shared ledger
It can act as a source of truth for businesses doing transactions on a blockchain:
- Records all transactions across the business network
- Is shared among participants
- Is replicated so each participant has their own copy
- Is permissioned, so participants see only appropriate transactions
Often, companies have multiple ledgers for multiple business networks in which they participate. It can be used for recording and totaling financial transactions.