X-Plane 11對硬體的要求

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X-Plane 11已經推出,請看最新報導X-Plane 11免費演示版安裝和試手!

官網連續放出兩個帖子,講述了X-Plane 11對硬體的需求,
X-Plane 11 System Requirements里介紹了
最低配置Minimum Hardware Requirements為

CPU: Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 CPU with 2 or more cores, or AMD equivalent. (Dual-core CPUs slower than 3 GHz should try the demo before purchasing.)
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Video Card: a DirectX 11-capable video card from NVIDIA, AMD or Intel with at least 512 MB VRAM

iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011,
CPU為2.7GHz四核Intel Core i5,內存為12G,
顯示驅動為AMD Radeon HD 6770M圖形處理器(512MB GDDR5內存)


另外官方建議的硬體Recommended Hardware Requirements為:

CPU: Intel Core i5 6600K at 3.5 ghz or faster
Memory: 16-24 GB RAM or more
Video Card: a DirectX 12-capable video card from NVIDIA, AMD or Intel with at least 4 GB VRAM (GeForce GTX 1070 or better or similar from AMD)

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Some Notes on X-Plane 11's System Requirements進行了一些補充,
比如XP11只支持64位作業系統和插件,不支持Windows XP和Vista,
Mac上只支持Yosemite以上,顯卡AMD HD2000系列以上,
CPU建議使用Intel i5 6600K等等。

看起來自己也需要攢錢為X-Plane 11進行些設備投資了。。

另外X-Plane 11's Default Aircraft裡面提到預設的機體,比起XP10來少了很多
Schleicher ASK 21
Beechcraft Baron 58
Boeing 747-400
Cirrus Vision SF50
Beechcraft King Air C90
Cessna 172SP

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